
climbing invitation

Hey Greg,
Thanks for the climbing invite. I'd like to say yes to the trip, but everything I know about climbing comes from the wrapper of a Clif bar. I know about the rope, the little pouch with some stuff in it, and the funny shoes. Oh, once I saw a movie where a climber's fucktard partner cut the rope and the poor guy crashed into an ICE CHASM! Didn't even attach a note to the cut part of the rope so that the crumpled guy underground could at least read an apology, like maybe "Sorry about the rope thing. Keep yer chin up." So I guess I'm asking whether I'd have to quit my job and start training now for this, or what?

I feel that I must reiterate my shortcomings with a quick list.

Things I DON’T have:
climbing rope
little metal climbing things
climbing shoes
lycra shorts
knowledge of climbing
practical experience in climbing (ladders being an

Things I DO have:
bicycle helmet
upper body strength
the will to live

all best, kyle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once tried to operate a vineyard by looking at the picture on a bottle of wine. No one should by the 2003 vintage of Chateau Bressonier.